di Ivano Mencattini e Loredana Brunelli
Via Romena 48 Romena
Tel. +39 340/8757393 - +39 333/7400960
CIN: IT051041B5G36NU8EL




Our tourist farm is located in Pratovecchio, at short distance from the National Park of Casentino (the greatest park of the Tuscany), Forest Monte Falterona and Campigna.
Our country house is in a fine panoramic position overlooking the upper Arno Valley and the castles of Poppi and Romena.We accommodate our welcome guests in restructured apartments with six beds and rooms with bath, located in a typical Tuscan farm-house. Our Agriturismo is a perfect choice for those who love nature and are looking for relaxing holidays, offering also the opportunity of visiting the famous cities of art Florence (40 Km), Arezzo (40 Km) and Siena (90Km).
Sports facilities available in the vicinity of the farm:
Tennis courts
Swimming pools
Fishing lakes

Wi-Fi free
Appartamento posti letto Mountan Bike Trekking Degustazione di prodotti tipici
Bosco di castagni, querce e produzione di "alberi di Natale" Ovini e caprini Castagne Prodotti ortofrutticoli Cereali
Vite Suini Foraggio Pollame e conigli Pascolo
Forno a legna Riscaldamento Grill Materiale informativo turistico Arredo esterno